PSG Construction Partner Named to Board of Directors of Home Builders Association of Mid-Florida

Updated from October 2000 news release

PSG Construction Inc. partner Stephen Gidus was recently elected to the Board of Directors of the Home Builders Association of Mid-Florida* for a three-year term.

Overseeing the general business of the organization and its functions, providing counsel to the association’s representatives, and laying out future plans for the association will be some of Stephen’s responsibilities.

“I look forward to helping fellow board members continue to strengthen our organization so that it can serve as a credible voice on issues affecting our community,” Stephen says. “The HBA of Mid-Florida can make a difference in the future of our community by contributing to managed growth that will make Central Florida a most desirable area in which to live.”

*Prior to 2003, the Home Builders Association of Metro Orlando was recognized as the Home Builders Association of Mid-Florida.